Writers - write every day

Whether you are an aspiring writer or a dabbling writer, one thing to remember is that writers don’t just want to be writers, they don’t just plan to be writers… what they do is write- then they are writers. Planning, and talking about writing may seem to be important but you’ll never know if you are capable of being a writer until you just do it.
Even established novelists and writers make it a habit to write every day. They write journals, they write articles or poetry, or they write short stories and work on their novels. A day without writing is a day without honing your craft, challenging your talent and a day without learning to work through challenges and time constraints to write, no matter what.

There are days when it is can be difficult to write even one paragraph

Days when you are tired or sick, days when you don’t feel any urge to be creative and days when writing for pay is the last thing you want to do. Even on those days it is important to make sure that you write something at some point during the day. If you allow one day to go by without writing, it is easier to let another and another slip by and before you know it, it’s been a week since you wrote anything.

Being a writer means writing; writing every day. If you don’t write, you aren’t a writer. If you are wondering how to become a writer, or to begin writing, there’s no real way to prepare for being a writer. In fact, all the research and education is useless if you don’t sit down and put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard.

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